Here is an unusual and curious version of the Lehmann “Mensa” table top delivery van. It appears to have never had a driver, nor has it had the rod underneath that keeps the car from falling off table tops, the main advertised feature of the normal Mensa toy known as EPL 688. And it sports a unique and colorful lithoed color scheme. A small number of these have surfaced, and they remain a mystery. The Mensa toy went through multiple patents over a period of years to get it to stay on the table top.
This version appears very late in production and is shown as the only Mensa offered in the 1938 catalog. It has the same tin body as the earlier version, but little else. One wonders if it came in a box and, if so, whether the box would have differed from the box depicting the failed “stay on the table” spoke-wheel version. No box depicting this version of Mensa has surfaced to our knowledge.
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